Judy Tallwing McCarthey, Apache/Tewa & African American, Activist, Leather Dyke, Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
A statement Judy made in her IMsL 1987, contestant speech.
“An invisible minority leaves itself open as easy prey for those who would deny it’s freedom, it’s very existence!”
Having a strong belief in this statement is why Judy began a life of standing up against a system of racism, sexism and injustice early in life. She also has a strong belief in the Great Creator and the Spirits of Mother Earth learned from her maternal grandmother. “I also have a strong belief in the goodness of our Leather Community, especially since being a part of the battle against AIDs. I watched and was a part of that war and saw the kindness of our people.” I hope I have the ability to continue to battle injustice and hatred until I leave this plane.